Our experienced coaches work alongside children and staff to increase participation and influence positive attitudes to physical activities

Our Services
Our football sessions help children and young people to develop their skills and build their confidence both on and off the pitch.
Engaging in athletics promotes fun, self-confidence, health and participation. Getting children started at a young age by signing them up for a special children’s or junior athletics society is a great way to encourage them to take part in sports.
Tag & Touch Rugby are fun ways of playing rugby, enabling children to play in teams in a safe and structured environment. Rugby confers multiple benefits in addition to the technical skills acquired.
Gymnastics helps children to build a range of coordination and motor skills including balance, agility and good posture. It aids children in developing muscle strength and endurance.
Multi skills help children to develop valuable life skills such as teamwork, fair play and concentration.
Our basketball classes provide structured coaching for boys and girls of all ability levels and focus on building solid fundamental skills in a creative, fun environment which ensures children learn to play in the correct way.